40 years of changing lives
Feb. 6, 2018 – This year marks our 40th anniversary of helping people of all ages and with a variety of challenges reach milestones through the transformative power of our horses.
Children have taken their first steps after riding our horses. Others have said their first words and become inspired to learn. Veterans have felt long-awaited hope and acceptance. And all students find a respite from the trials of living with a disability or special need whether it is autism, depression, anxiety, memory loss, sensory impairments, cerebral palsy, developmental delays, PTSD or multiple sclerosis, among others.
We remain one of the largest therapeutic riding centers in the country serving more than 1,300 students annually with 35 horses, 250 weekly volunteers, 20 experienced instructors and the generous support of the community.
To learn more about Fieldstone Farm and how our horses could help you or someone you care about, click here.