
Annual fundraiser huge success

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Sept. 9, 2019 – Once again a sell-out crowd of 600 gathered under a huge tent at our annual Chefs Unbridled fundraiser Saturday on the grounds of The Hunt Club in Gates Mills to benefit our students and programs. We are grateful to everyone who supported this major fundraiser. Thank you all!

The evening was dedicated to our 1,000 students who work with our horses at the farm. The crowd was still as everyone watched the above video about one of our students and his experience with our horses.

A big shout out goes to our presenting sponsor, The Harrington Family Foundation, and all of our other generous sponsors including Celebrity Cruises, Betsy and Charley Daane and The Frank H. And Nancy L. Porter Fund of The Cleveland Foundation, Kuhn Family Foundation, Davis Automotive Group, and Chefs Scott Kuhn and Chris Hodgson, who led a team of Cleveland’s all-star chefs with delicious culinary creations for all to enjoy.