Volunteer Campaign underway
May 2, 2016 — Our volunteers have just kicked off their fundraising campaign to raise funds for the care of our wonderful therapy horses. Our goal is for every volunteer to support! Everything raised will directly pay for expenses to care for our herd, such as surgery or medication.
Donation envelopes are available in the tackroom. You can also donate online by clicking here. This year we have a special incentive for everyone. Back by popular demand, our horses will be painting “masterpiece” Van Whoas! You can choose which horse you would like to paint your Van Whoa and what colors you would like them to use. They will be available for a donation of $25 or more to the Campaign.
Sample “Masterpieces” by our herd are on display in the lobby. You can drop your order form and donation in the payment box in the mounting area. If you have any questions please contact Cherry Jones, our Committee Chairperson, at 813-727-4839, or Lisa Sintic, Volunteer Manager, at 440-708-0013 ext. 127.
The campaign has grown not only in terms of the money it raises, but more importantly, in the percentage of volunteers who contribute. Please consider a donation at any level. Every contribution counts.