Jeeval benefits from riding
Jeeval was five when she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called mitochondrial disease, which causes learning delays, lack of coordination, muscle and nerve pain, head and stomach aches, and an overall feeling of fatigue. Eager to find therapies to help their daughter, Niketa and Anand learned about therapeutic riding and saw the benefits right away.
Niketa and Anand say Jeeval’s experience at Fieldstone Farm has been central to her success as it integrates all of her therapies. Through riding, Jeeval has improved her muscle tone, eye-hand coordination and balance. She has also gained confidence and developed social skills which has helped her to better communicate, manage transitions and advocate for herself.
Fieldstone Farm is also a place where she feels she belongs. You can see it when she walks into the barn greeting everyone in her path with a big smile, an enthusiastic “Hello!” and a warm hug.
Seeing Jeeval so happy and confident at the farm has impacted her entire family. This joy is always celebrated when Jeeval competes at our horse shows and wins ribbons for her efforts.